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Installation and configuration of satellite TV

Installation and configuration of satellite TV

Before proceeding with the installation of satellite TV is necessary to define the main points:
- which channels you want to watch: paid, free, science, entertainment, news;
- on a monthly budget you raschityvaete, if you agree to pay a license fee or just want to watch free channels;
-on which satellites are placed you are interested in TV;
- a receiver (receiver) you prefer: simple with minimal restrictions and Funky reception or Modern HD tuner, a feature-rich recording technique HD and 3D channels, channels of high quality and sound. Accordingly, the price of the latter receivers above;
- which antenna you vibiraem a simple stationary or rotary, swivel necessary for a clear view in the direction of the satellites.
Next we will briefly discuss the installation of a satellite dish Etampes:

1. Siting satellite dish
So with satellite channels, and you have decided. Now you need to choose a location for the antenna. It is necessary to take into account that the satellites are located in the aisles of the south-west to south-east direction. Elevation and azimuth angles -Basic that were exhibited at the antenna can be identified by the corresponding formulas, tables are in practice, these angles are unique to each satellite. The installation site should be open and free from any obstacles (buildings, trees, power lines, towers) on the path from the antenna to the satellite. In the video you'll find on this page, quite clearly presents all aspects concerning site selection, equipment selection and configuration of satellite antenna.

2. Installation of antenna
Assemble the antenna according to the video assembly. In the appropriate place to install and secure the cross bar (support). When mounted on a support surface of the earth must be filled with cement mortar and to stand up. When installing the mount on the wall of a building in its drill hole diameter of 14-20mm and use anchor bolts, dowels. When installing the antenna on a balcony or loggia thin partition must be drilled through and steal support long bolts. Then install the antenna and direct it to the desired satellite compass. Arrange the convector, connect the device to determine the strength of the signal or control the receiver with the transponder exposed. The position of the converter is determined by moving it to the holder with simultaneous assessment of the quality of the image on the TV screen. For this antenna should be located in a convenient place for tuning.

3. Setting the elevation and azimuth
Set the elevation angle, this angle is calculated before, you can set the goniometer, protractor and plumb. Use the compass to point the antenna azimuth.
4. Preparation equipment for installation
Bydem consider chto all previous steps have already been implemented. It remains to prepare and kabel Diseko. To do this, you will need nam nozh and pliers. Zachictim vepxny layer izolyatsii cable to ekpana- is a lot of small ppovodkov - turn down the screen nA kabel. Under ekpanom yvidim still Shout screen coctoyaschy foil - cut the ego. Dalee bare the bottom to the center conductor insulation kabelya. Her (cepdtseviny) akkypatno Strip nozhom vepxney of enamel, and will put F-KY. Sepdtsevina should topchat from kpaya F-ki to 2-3mm. Obpezhem extra screen topchaschy pod of F-ki.

Last comments visitors:

Blal shah
(2017-04-30 09:42:33)
its good idea to inform the peopls
sankhani Jackson
(2017-12-07 22:17:01)
Which position is eutsat 8.0 w on c band am in Zambia
mirabbas sunger
(2018-01-12 18:00:27)
Great moment in Satelite world. I like ur site.
(2018-08-08 21:37:17)
how to instal paksat

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