



January 2025

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News satellite TV, satellite Transponder News

Transponder news 28.10.20

Amos 3 @ 4 ° W
Kanal 5 HD (11175 H) is gone

Transponder news 27.10.2020

Yamal 601 49 ° E
Perviy kanal (+ 1h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared coded by GoSTcrypt
Match! (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared coded by GoSTcrypt
NTV (0h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared going open
5 Kanal (0h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared goes open
Rossiya K (0h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared going open
Karusel (0h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared goes open
TV Centr Evropa (0h) (PLP: 0, 3584 L) appeared goes open
Rossiya 1 (+ 1h) (PLP: 1, 3584 L) appeared coded by GoSTcrypt
Rossiya 24 (PLP: 1, 3584 L) appeared goes open
OTR (PLP: 1, 3584 L) appeared goes open

Astra 4A 4.8 ° E
Viasat History (SD) (Viasat Ukraine, 12092 V) appeared coded by Verimatrix VideoGuard
Fine Living Europe (Viasat Ukraine, 12092 V) left
Fine Living Europe (Viasat Ukraine, 12207 V) appeared coded by Verimatrix VideoGuard

Transponder news 22.10.2020

Astra 4A 4.8 ° E
Kyiv TV (12284 V) appeared and goes openly

Transponder news 19.10.2020

Yamal 401 90 ° E
GTRK Buryatiya (PLP: 1, 4051 R) encoded

Horizons-2 85 ° E
Zal Suda (Telekarta, 11960 H) appeared coded by Conax Irdeto3
Gagsnetwork (Telekarta, 11960 H) appeared coded by Conax Irdeto3

Express-AT1 56 ° E
Zal Suda (Tricolor Sibir, 12149 L) appeared coded DRE-Crypt

Al Yah 1 52.5 E
GunAz TV (12073 V) left

Eutelsat 36B 36 ° E
Zal Suda (Tricolor, 11747 R) appeared coded Exset, DRE-Crypt

Eutelsat 9B 9 ° E
EU Music HD (12226 V) is gone
NIKI Kids HD (12226 V) left
NIKI Junior HD (12226 V) left
4ever Music HD (12226 V) is gone

Transponder news 10/18/2020

TurkmenAlem / MonacoSat 52 ° E
O'zbekiston Telekanali (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Yoshlar (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Toshkent (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Sport Uzbekistan (12380 V) appeared coded by CryptOn
Madaniyat va marifat (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Dunyo Bo'ylab (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Bolajon (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Navo (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Mahalla (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Kinoteatr (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn
Oilaviy (12380 V) appeared encoded by CryptOn

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Information on the site is constantly changing and updated, watch for changes!

See also :