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News satellite TV, satellite Transponder News

Transponder news 19.12.2020

Amos 3 4 ° W
Ukraina 24 (11140 H) left

Transponder news 18.12.2020

ABS-2A 74.9 ° E
Kinojam 1 HD (MTS, 12040 V) appeared coded by Irdeto2 / Verimatrix
Kinojam 2 HD (MTS, 12040 V) appeared coded by Irdeto2 / Verimatrix

TurkmenAlem / MonacoSat 52 ° E
Mult (12380 V) appeared coded CryptOn

Eutelsat 9B 9 ° E
Ukraina 24 (12111 V) is now available in HD quality

Transponder news 17.12.2020

ABS-2A 74.9 ° E
Centralnoe TV (11559 V) appeared goes open

Express-AT1 56 ° E
Avto24 (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Avto24 HD (12360 R) back encoded by Irdeto2
Tochka Otryva (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Tochka Otryva HD (12360 R) back encoded by Irdeto2
Unikum (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Unikum HD (12360 R) is back encoded by Irdeto2
Evrokino (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Evrokino HD (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Moya Planeta (12360 R) is back coded by Irdeto2
Moya Planeta HD (12360 R) is back coded by Irdeto2
Telekanal Futbol (12360 R) is back coded by Irdeto2
Telekanal Futbol HD (12360 R) is back coded by Irdeto2
Doktor (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Doktor HD (12360 R) is back encoded by Irdeto2
Russkiy Roman (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Russkiy Roman HD (12360 R) is back coded by Irdeto2
Fan (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Fan HD (12360 R) is back encoded by Irdeto2
Mult (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2
Mult HD (12360 R) returned encoded by Irdeto2

Transponder news 16.12.2020

Express-AMU1 (Eutelsat 36C) 36 ° E
Zagorodny promo (12111 L) left
Promo Kino (12226 L) left

Transponder news 15.12.2020

Express-AT1 56 ° E
Avto24 (12360 R) left
Avto24 HD (12360 R) is gone
Tochka Otryva (12360 R) left
Tochka Otryva HD (12360 R) left
Unikum (12360 R) left
Unikum HD (12360 R) is gone
Evrokino (12360 R) left
Evrokino HD (12360 R) is gone
Moya Planeta (12360 R) left
Moya Planeta HD (12360 R) left
Telekanal Futbol (12360 R) left
Telekanal Futbol HD (12360 R) is gone
Doktor (12360 R) left
Doktor HD (12360 R) left
Russkiy Roman (12360 R) left
Russkiy Roman HD (12360 R) left
Fan (12360 R) left
Fan HD (12360 R) is gone
Mult (12360 R) left
Mult HD (12360 R) is gone
Hokkejnyj (Tricolor Sibir, 12149 L) appeared coded DRE-Crypt

Eutelsat 36B 36 ° E
Hokkejnyj (Tricolor, 11747 R) appeared coded by DRE-Crypt
Kaleidoskop TV (Tricolor, 11747 R) returned coded with DRE-Crypt

Hot Bird 13B 13 ° E
Ukraina 24 (11219 H) is now available in HD quality

StartBack1...101112[ 13 ]141516... 29ForwardEnd
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See also :