

HD Каналы

Название Поз. Диап.
NSS-9 183.1E C
ABS-6 159.0E C/Ku
Express-AM5 / Express-AT2 140.0E C/Ku
LaoSat-1 128.5E C
AsiaSat 9 122.1E C/Ku
Bangabandhu 1 119.1E C/Ku
ChinaSat 6B 115.5E C
Koreasat 5A 113.1E Ku
ChinaSat 10 110.5E C/Ku
SES-7 / SES-9 108.3E Ku
Telkom 4 108.0E C
AsiaSat 7 105.5E C/Ku
Express-AMU3 103.0E C
AsiaSat 5 100.5E C/Ku
ChinaSat 11 97.9E C/Ku
G-Sat 9 97.3E Ku
Express-103 96.5E C/Ku
SES-8 / SES-12 95.0E Ku
G-Sat 15 / G-Sat 17 93.5E C/Ku
Measat 3a / Measat 3b 91.5E C/Ku
Yamal 401 90.0E C/Ku
ST-2 88.0E C/Ku
Chinasat 12 87.5E C/Ku
KazSat 2 86.5E C/Ku
Intelsat 15 85.2E Ku
G-Sat 10 / G-Sat 30 83.0E C/Ku
Express-80 80.0E C/Ku
Thaicom 6 / Thaicom 8 78.5E C/Ku
Apstar-7 76.5E C/Ku
ABS-2 / ABS-2A 74.9E C/Ku
G-Sat 7 / G-Sat 18 74.0E Ku
Eutelsat 70B 70.5E Ku
Intelsat 20 / Intelsat 36 68.5E C/Ku
Intelsat 17 66.0E C/Ku
Amos 4 65.0E Ku/Ka
Intelsat 39 62.0E C/Ku
KazSat 3 58.5E Ku
NSS-12 57.0E C/Ku
Express-AT1 56.0E Ku
Yamal 402 54.9E Ku
Express-AM6 53.0E Ku
Al Yah 1 52.5E C/Ku/Ka
TurkmenAlem/MonacoSat 52.0E Ku
Belintersat 1 (ChinaSat 15) 51.5E C/Ku
Turksat 4B 50.0E Ku/Ka
AzerSpace 1 / Africasat-1A 46.0E C/Ku
AzerSpace 2 / Intelsat 38 45.1E Ku
NigComSat-1R 42.5E Ku
Turksat 3A / Turksat 4A 42.0E Ku/Ka
Express-AM7 40.0E C/Ku
Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4 39.0E Ku/Ka
Paksat 1R 38.0E C/Ku
Eutelsat 36B / Express-AMU1 36.0E Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 33F 33.1E Ku
Turksat 5A 30.9E Ku
Arabsat-5A / Arabsat-6A 30.5E C/Ku
Astra 2E / Astra 2F / Astra 2G 28.2E Ku
Badr 4-8 / Es'hail 1-2 26.0E C/Ku/Ka
Astra 3C 23.5E Ku
Eutelsat 21B 21.6E Ku
Astra 1KR / Astra 1L / Astra 1M / Astra 1N 19.2E Ku/Ka
Amos 17 17.0E C/Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 16A 16.0E Ku/Ka
Hot Bird 13F / Hot Bird 13G 13.0E Ku
Eutelsat 10A 10.0E C/Ku
Eutelsat 9B / Ka-Sat 9.0E Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 7B / Eutelsat 7C 7.0E Ku/Ka
SES-5 / Astra 4A 4.8E C/Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 3B / Rascom-QAF1R 3.0E C/Ku/Ka
BulgariaSat-1 1.9E Ku
Intelsat 10-02 / Thor 5 / Thor 6 / Thor 7 1.0W C/Ku/Ka
ABS-3A 3.0W C/Ku
Amos 3 / Amos 7 4.0W Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 7 West A / Nilesat 201 / Nilesat 301 7.0W Ku/Ka
Eutelsat 8 West B 8.0W C/Ku
Hellas Sat 2 10.0W Ku
Express-AM44 11.0W C/Ku
Express-AM8 14.0W Ku
Telstar 12 Vantage 15.0W Ku
Intelsat 37e 18.0W C/Ku
SES-4 22.0W C/Ku
AlcomSat 1 24.8W Ku/Ka
Intelsat 901 27.5W C/Ku
Hispasat 30W-5 / Hispasat 30W-6 30.0W Ku
Intelsat 35e 34.5W C/Ku
SES-6 40.5W C/Ku
Intelsat 11 / Intelsat 32e (Sky-Brasil 1) 43.0W C/Ku
SES-14 47.5W C/Ku
Intelsat 34 55.5W C/Ku
Intelsat 21 58.0W C/Ku



HD Каналы Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4, 39.0E, спутник Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4, HD каналы спутника 39.0E, транспондеры c HD каналами

|Hellas Sat 3 |  |Hellas Sat 4 |  |Eutelsat 9B |  |Ka-Sat
HD Channels  → Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4  → 39.0° E
Txp No Source
Freq Pol
SR-FEC Provider Name
Channel Name
System SID
Encryption Comments FootPrints
В  29.10.2023 10730 H
30000 3/4 Vermantia
      702-1   Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
RIK Sat MPEG-2 1
108 102 Gre
4E Hellas Orthodox TV MPEG-4 3
1151 1152 Gre

Romit TV MPEG-4 8
481 482 Rom AAC-ADTS

Eurobet 11 HEVC/HD 11
7201 7202 Eng AAC-ADTS

Eurobet 12 HEVC/HD 12
7301 7302 Eng AAC-ADTS

Eurobet 13 HEVC/HD 13
7401 7402 Eng AAC-ADTS

Eurobet 14 HEVC/HD 14
7501 7502 Eng AAC-ADTS

Eurobet 15 HEVC/HD 15
7601 7602 Eng AAC-ADTS

Virtual Games 1 HEVC/HD 101
2501 2551 Gre AAC-ADTS
Virtual Games 2 HEVC/HD 102
2502 2552 Gre AAC-ADTS
Powerspin HEVC/HD 103
2503 2553 Gre AAC-ADTS
Racing Channel HEVC/HD 104
2504 2554 Gre AAC-ADTS
LiveSports Channel HEVC/HD 105
2505 2555 Gre AAC-ADTS
Virtual Games 3 HEVC/HD 106
2506 2556 Gre AAC-ADTS
MultiSpin HEVC/HD 107
2507 BISS
ERT World Europe MPEG-4/HD 353
48 49 Gre
-R- RIK 1 Proto 2
В  503 Gre

-R- RIK 2 Deutero 4
В  904 Tur
-R- RIK 3 Trito 5
В  1305 Gre
-R- RIK 4 Classic 6
В  1706 Gre
-R- Ellada FM 7
63 Gre

-R- Voice of Greece 32
В  672 Gre
-R- Capital Radio Cyprus 33
61 Gre

-R- Kanali 6 36
68 Gre

-R- Voice of Greece 353
В  50 Gre
22.07.2023 10810 Рќ
34286 1/2 Data
Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
В  16.06.2023 10890 H
30000 5/6 Tring Digital
Tring Comedy - * - ABC News Albania - Vizion Plus - Teve 1 - ATV Kosovo - Tring Classic - RTV 21 Sat - Fax News - Report TV - News 24 Albania - Syri TV - Tring Tring - TIP TV - Living Albania - Tring Series - 3 Plus Albania - Kanal D Drama - Tring Smile - Tring Shqip - Tring Super - Tring Action - Tring Life - Tring Fantasy - Tring Planet - Tring World - Tring Sport News - Tring Sport 1 - Tring Sport 2 - Tring Sport 3 - Tring Sport 4 - Folk + - RTSH 1 - Elrodi TV - Tring Collection - Tring Novelas -
    926-1010   Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
Kanali 7 MPEG-4 1610
1700 1710 Alb

-R- NRG Radio Albania 7012
1711 Alb

В  28.10.2023 10930 H
30000 5/6 Tring Digital
* - * - IN TV Albania - Mediaset Italia - RTSH 2 - RTSH 24 - RTSH FemijГ« - RTSH Shqip - RTK 1 - Premium Channel - Klan Kosova - Tring Original - Tring Kids - Muse TV - Tring Family - Bubble TV - Club TV - Tring History - Click TV - EuroNews Albania - Panorama TV Albania - Tring Turkish Stories - BBF Music TV - Rai 1 - Rai 2 - NesГ«r TV - CNA (City News Albania) - RTSH Sport - Big Brother VIP Kosova 1 - Big Brother VIP Kosova 2 -
    926-1020   Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
-R- Love Radio Albania 5001
2304 Alb
В  06.10.2019 10930 V
2894 1/2 Data Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
08.06.2023 10963 V
17145 5/6 Data
Hellas-4 MiddleEast 43-51 dBW
В  23.07.2023 11011 H
      Hellas-4 SouthAfrica 45-53 dBW
23.07.2023 11012 V
      Hellas-4 SouthAfrica 45-53 dBW
08.06.2023 11013 V
34290 8/9 Data
Hellas-4 MiddleEast 43-51 dBW
В  22.12.2023 11094 H
      OVY Network mux
Hellas-4 SouthAfrica 45-53 dBW
30.01.2022 11106 V
9700 3/4 feed Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
12.12.2022 11109 V
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
24.12.2023 11139 V
1000 5/6 EquTV
      0-160   Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
EquTV MPEG-4 7188
512 513 Ita
В  11.11.2023 11162 V
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-4 Europe 49-53 dBW
В  12.01.2018 11457 H
7000 3/4 feed Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
В  22.07.2023 11462 H
5000 2/3 feed
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
В  25.12.2023 11479 H
7500 Auto Data NEW
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
В  25.12.2023 11486 H
4166 Auto Data NEW
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
В  27.01.2023 11503 H
8398 3/4 Data
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
19.07.2023 11510 Рќ
4444 3/4 Media Office
      0-1   Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
Media Office MPEG-4/HD 1
33 34 Ara
В  18.06.2019 11514 H
2141 5/6
      0-1   Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
Alsumaria MPEG-4/HD 1
512 4112 Ara
-R- Sumer FM 1
В  4128 Ara
В  22.07.2023 11516 H
2000 5/6 feed
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
В  08.11.2023 11565 H
2400 3/4 Data Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
17.09.2023 11663 Рќ
9700 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
07.09.2023 11672 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
31.10.2023 11679 H
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 MiddleEast 46-50 dBW
09.10.2022 11717 Рќ
4166 1/4 Data
В  25.12.2023 11724 H
7500 Auto Data new SR
22.07.2023 11846 Рќ
29170 13/45 Data
В  11.11.2023 12117 H
30000 5/6 A1 Bulgaria
Diema - Max Sport 4 - Eurosport 1 - Eurosport 2 - Cinemania - Bloomberg TV Bulgaria - BNT 4 - Box TV - bTV Cinema - bTV Comedy - bTV Story - Discovery Channel Bulgaria - TV Tourism Bulgaria - NTV Pravo - FilmBox Arthouse - FilmBox Stars Adria - Planeta TV - * - BNT 2 - Bulgaria 24 - Okhota i Rybalka - Al Jazeera English - NTV Serial - Disney Channel Bulgaria - Nickelodeon Europe - * - Planeta Folk TV - EuroNews Bulgaria - Tiankov Folk - Alfa TV Bulgaria - Eurosport 2 North-East - NTV Stil - Freedom - Investigation Discovery Xtra Europe - MAX Sport 1 - MAX Sport 2 - HBO 3 Central Europe - HBO Central Europe - BNT 3 - Detskiy Mir - Code Fashion - Nashe Kino - MTV Hits Europe - BNT 1 - Nova TV Bulgaria - Max Sport 3 -
    926-177   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
The Voice Bulgaria HEVC 131
4101 4102 Bul AAC-ADTS

В  01.10.2023 12137 V
30000 5/6 A1 Bulgaria
* - Diema Sport 2 - Diema Sport - Cinemax Central Europe - Cinemax 2 Central Europe - Viju+ Planet - Viasat Epic Drama - 7/8 TV - Mediaset Italia - Edge Sport - FilmBox Extra Bulgaria - Stingray Classica - Code Health - bTV Bulgaria - bTV Action - Star Channel Bulgaria - Star Crime Bulgaria - Star Life Bulgaria - Animal Planet Europe - AXN Bulgaria - AXN Black - AXN White - Bulgaria On Air - Crime + Investigation - KinoNova - Super Toons - Sky News International - Diema Family - PB - DW English - English Club TV - MyZen TV - History Europe - TLC Balkan - Travelxp HD Europe - MTV 00s - Hit Mix Channel - Cartoon Network Russia & South East Europe - DM Sat - Duck TV - EKids - France 24 English - TV5 Monde Europe - Fix & Foxi - Evrokom - Nova News - BK TV (Bulgarska Khristiyanska TV) - NickToons Bulgaria -
    926-178   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
26.01.2023 12156 Рќ
30000 5/6 Bulsatcom
Diema Sport - Diema Sport 2 - MAX Sport 1 - MAX Sport 2 - Max Sport 3 - BNT 3 - Max Sport 4 - Love Nature - Travelxp HD Europe - The Word Network - Food Network - Super Toons - MTV 80s - MTV 00s - Bulgaria 24 - History 2 Polska - HBO Adria - HBO 2 Central Europe - HBO 3 Central Europe -
    1-7   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  14.03.2023 12175 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
Traditional TV - Telestar1 - RTL KettЕ‘ - Speranta TV - Orange Sport 3 - Fashion TV Europe - Dizi - DocuBox - JimJam Romania - ErdГ©ly TV - Nickelodeon Europe - Orange Sport 4 - TV Paprika Romania - Viasat Explore East - E! Europe - Crime + Investigation UK - Story 4 - Inedit TV -
    28-15   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  05.12.2023 12194 H
30000 7/8 Bulsatcom
7/8 TV - Bloomberg TV Bulgaria - Animal Planet Europe - France 24 English - 24 Kitchen Bulgaria - History Europe - BBC Earth - Action.Box - Bulgaria On Air - Eurosport 1 - P1 - Nat Geo Wild Bulgaria - Tiankov Folk - MAX Sport 2 - EuroNews Bulgaria - AXN White - AXN Black -
    1-2   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
B1B Box MPEG-2 56
894 895 Bul

-R- Radio 1 Rock 50
В  877 Bul
-R- NRJ Bulgaria 51
В  879 Bul
-R- BG Radio 52
В  882 Bul
-R- Darik Radio 53
В  885 Bul
-R- Tangra MegaRock 54
В  888 Bul
-R- Radio Payner 55
В  891 Bul
В  11.11.2023 12213 V
30000 7/8 Bulsatcom
Nickelodeon Bulgaria - Cinema.Box - Viasat Explore East (06-00) - Disney Channel Bulgaria - Cartoon Network Bulgaria - Star Channel Bulgaria - Nova News - Investigation Discovery Europe - bTV Story - City TV Bulgaria - POTV - Nick Jr - Comedy.Box - Disney Junior Romania & Bulgaria - Max Sport 4 - Diema Sport 3 -
    1-4   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
Fen Folk TV MPEG-2 115
616 617 Bul
Folklor TV MPEG-2 119
632 633 Bul
Fen TV MPEG-2 121
640 641 Bul
Balkanika Music TV MPEG-2 123
648 649 Bul
Planeta Folk TV MPEG-2 128
668 669 Bul
В  26.09.2023 12223 H
13381 3/4 ERT
      8492-2   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
Vouli Tileorasi MPEG-4 9
137 640 Gre
ERT 1 MPEG-4 10
138 650 Gre
Trito Maestro MPEG-4 13
156 676 Gre
ERT 2 MPEG-4 20
139 660 Gre
ERT 3 MPEG-4 35
142 691 Gre

ERT 1 MPEG-4/HD 40
141 680 Gre
690 Gre
ERT News MPEG-4/HD 41
143 695 Gre

-R- Proto Programma 11
В  652 Gre
-R- Kosmos 12
В  653 Gre
-R- Deftero Paradosiaka 14
677 Gre

-R- Trito Programma 21
В  661 Gre
-R- Deftero Programma 22
В  662 Gre
-R- Deftero Laika 23
675 Gre

-R- Era Spor 31
В  671 Gre
-R- I Foni tis Elladas 32
В  672 Gre
-R- Zeppelin Radio Rock 33
В  673 Gre
-R- Kosmos Jazz 34
674 Gre

В  28.08.2023 12241 H
13381 3/4 ERT
      8492-1   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
128 650 Gre
129 660 Gre
ERT 1 MPEG-4 3
130 670 Gre

RIK Sat MPEG-4 4
131 680 Gre
TV5 Monde Europe MPEG-4 5
132 690 Fre
BBC News Europe MPEG-4 6
133 700 Eng
ERT News MPEG-4 7
134 701 Gre

-R- Proto Programma DAB+ 49217
В  1010 Gre
-R- Deftero Programma DAB+ 49218
В  1010 Gre
-R- Trito Programma DAB+ 49219
В  1010 Gre
-R- Era Spor DAB+ 49220
В  1010 Gre
-R- Kosmos DAB+ 49221
В  1010 Gre
-R- Voice of Greece DAB+ 49222
В  1010 Gre
-R- Zeppelin Radio Rock DAB+ 49223
В  1010 Gre
13.03.2023 12252 V
30000 3/4 Orange RomГўnia
Animal Planet Europe - Discovery Channel Romania - Eurosport 1 Romania - Investigation Discovery Europe - Motorvision+ - TLC Balkan - Travel Channel Europe -
    167-5228   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  05.12.2023 12271 H
30000 7/8 Bulsatcom
Cartoonito Central & Eastern Europe - Crime + Investigation UK - Da Vinci - Viasat History - Viasat Nature East - Planeta TV - BNT 1 - Diema Sport - bTV Bulgaria - BNT 3 - Current Time (Nastoyashchee Vremya) - Nova TV Bulgaria - KinoNova - Discovery Channel Bulgaria - Diema -
    1-1   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
Magic TV Bulgaria MPEG-2 1004
792 793 Bul
TV1 Bulgaria MPEG-2 1010
784 785 Bul
The Voice Bulgaria MPEG-2 1015
848 849 Bul
В  12.08.2022 12290 V
30000 3/4 Orange RomГўnia
AcasДѓ TV - Cinemax Central Europe - Cinemax 2 Central Europe - Happy Channel - HBO 2 Central Europe - HBO 3 Central Europe - Prima Sport 1 - Prima Sport 2 - Pro Cinema - TVR Info -
    28-1   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  20.07.2023 12309 H
30000 5/6 A1 Bulgaria
* - * - RuskiiHit - HGTV - Agro TV Bulgaria - HBO 2 - Nova Sport Bulgaria - * - Nostalgia Bulgaria - Auto Motor und Sport - The Word Network - Travel TV Bulgaria - FightBox - VTK - Mezzo - Ring - TV 1000 East - National Geographic Bulgaria - Nat Geo Wild Bulgaria - 24 Kitchen - AMC Balkan - Diema Sport 3 - Soul & Pepper TV Channel - Bloomberg TV Europe - CBS Reality Europe - City TV Bulgaria - CNBC Europe - CNN International Europe - EuroNews English - Lolly Kids - TgCom24 - Magic TV Bulgaria - Viasat Explore East - Viasat Nature East - Wness TV - Baby TV Europe - BBC News Europe - Cartoonito Central & Eastern Europe - SKAT - JimJam Europe - Nick Jr Central & Eastern Europe - MovieSTAR - STS Kids - Rodina TV - STS International - DSTV - Folklor TV - BG+ - 8 Kanal International Russia - TV1 Bulgaria - Disney Junior Romania & Bulgaria -
    926-2833   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  27.11.2023 12328 V
30000 3/4 Orange RomГўnia
Orange Info - National Geographic RomГўnia - NCN TV Romania - TVR 1 - Pro TV - Antena 1 - Credo TV - HBO Romania - Orange Sport 1 - Atomic TV Romania - Medika TV - TV 2 Hungary - Profit News TV - RTL HГЎrom - Kanal D2 -
    28-2   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
03.06.2022 12338 Рќ
11567 2/3 Digea Greece
      8492-101   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Alpha TV MPEG-4/HD 1100
1110 1112 Gre

1210 1212 Gre

ANT 1 MPEG-4/HD 1300
1310 1312 Gre
1313 Gre
Open Beyond MPEG-4/HD 1400
1410 1412 Gre

03.06.2022 12352 Рќ
11567 2/3 Digea Greece
      8492-103   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Star Greece MPEG-4/HD 1500
1510 1512 Gre
1513 Gre
Mega TV Greece MPEG-4/HD 1600
1610 1612 Gre

Makedonia TV Greece MPEG-4/HD 1700
1710 1712 Gre
1713 Gre
В  13.03.2023 12367 V
30000 3/4 Orange RomГўnia
Orange Sport 2 - Kanal D Romania - Stingray iConcerts - Orange Sport 3 - Orange Sport 4 - Pro Arena - Travel Mix - TVR 2 -
    28-3   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  23.07.2020 12386 H
28333 3/4 Data Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  14.03.2023 12405 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
FilmBox Extra Romania - Minimax Romania - A7 TV - Agro TV Bulgaria - Prima Sport 4 - Nat Geo Wild Romania - FilmBox Basic - AXN Spin Romania - History Europe - Metropola TV - Moldova TV - TV 1000 Balkan - Viasat History - Viasat Nature East - Comedy Central Hungary - Alfa Omega TV - France 24 Français - Digi 24 - EuroNews România -
    28-18   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
03.06.2022 12414 Рќ
11567 2/3 Digea Greece
      8492-105   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
Alpha TV MPEG-4 3100
3110 3112 Gre

3210 3212 Gre

ANT 1 MPEG-4 3300
3310 3312 Gre
3313 Gre
Open Beyond MPEG-4 3400
3410 3412 Gre

Star Greece MPEG-4 3500
3510 3512 Gre
3513 Gre
Mega TV Greece MPEG-4 3600
3610 3612 Gre

Makedonia TV Greece MPEG-4 3700
3710 3712 Gre
3713 Gre
27.05.2023 12428 Рќ
13200 3/4 Data
Hellas-3 Europe BSS
19.07.2023 12439 Рќ
4444 3/4 Media Office
      0-1   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
Media Office MPEG-4/HD 1
33 34 Ara
В  15.11.2022 12444 V
30000 Auto Data
Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  13.07.2022 12458 V
      Hellas-3 Europe BSS
В  05.12.2023 12463 H
30000 5/6 Bulsatcom
Eurosport 1 - Ring - bTV Action - FilmBox Extra Bulgaria - Lovno Ribarski Club - National Geographic Bulgaria - Diema Sport 3 - Planeta TV - bTV Bulgaria - Nat Geo Wild Bulgaria - Nova TV Bulgaria - DocuBox - Cinemax Central Europe - Cinemax 2 Central Europe -
    1-5   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
EKids MPEG-4 132
684 685 Bul
В  01.10.2023 12482 V
30000 7/8 Bulsatcom
* - Diema Family - National Geographic Bulgaria - BNT 2 - Nova Sport Bulgaria - Eurosport 2 North East Europe - Baby TV Europe - AXN Bulgaria - SKAT - Star Life Bulgaria - Star Crime Bulgaria - bTV Cinema - MAX Sport 1 - bTV Comedy - Diema Sport 2 - TLC Balkan - bTV Action - Ring - CNN International Europe - BK TV (Bulgarska Khristiyanska TV) -
    1-3   Hellas-3 Europe BSS
-R- Radio Vitosha East 23
В  1601 Bul
-R- Radio Vitosha West 24
В  1701 Bul
-R- Radio Veselina East 25
В  1801 Bul
-R- Radio Veselina West 26
В  1901 Bul
-R- Radio Atlantic 27
В  2001 Bul
-R- Radio The Voice Bulgaria 29
В  2401 Bul
-R- Radio Veselina N 62
В  2501 Bul
-R- Radio Veselina S 63
В  2601 Bul
В  18.03.2023 12524 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
H!t Music Channel Romania - EMI TV - Cool TV Hungary - M1 (Magyar 1) - M2 (Magyar 2) - Happy Channel - Prima Sport 1 - TVR 1 - TVR 2 - Diva Romania - Party Mix TV - Cartoonito Central & Eastern Europe - AXN Black - Kanal D Romania - CBS Reality Europe - Nat Geo People - Nickelodeon MagyarorszГЎg - Orange Sport 1 - Epic Drama - Zu TV - Cinemax Central Europe -
    28-13   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
-R- Radio Itsy Bitsy 500
В  258 Rum

В  10.11.2022 12524 H
30000 7/8 Bulsatcom
* - * - * - Dizi - FilmBox Stars Adria - NickToons Bulgaria - HGTV - BNT 4 - DM Sat - TV 1000 East - Travel Channel Europe - Movie Star - Discovery Science - Mezzo - Nostalgia Bulgaria - Max Sport 3 - BG+ - Epic Drama -
    1-6   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Evrokom MPEG-2 83
228 328 Bul
18.03.2023 12551 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
07.09.2023 12554 Рќ
9000 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
18.03.2023 12560 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  27.11.2023 12565 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
Orizont TV - Film+ Hungary - Duna TV - RTL MagyarorszГЎg - Nick Jr Romania - Antena 1 - Antena Stars - Antena 3 - AXN Romania - B1 TV - Favorit TV - Disney Junior Romania & Bulgaria - National TV - Prima TV Romania - Realitatea Plus - Disney Channel Romania & Bulgaria - Prima Sport 2 - TVR Folclor - AcasДѓ TV - Pro TV -
    28-14   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  07.09.2023 12565 H
9000 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
18.03.2023 12578 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  13.03.2023 12606 V
30000 3/4 Orange RomГўnia
Antena 3 - Antena Stars - Cinemaraton - Eurosport 2 Romania - Prima Sport 3 - Prima Sport 4 - Prima TV Romania -
    167-5233   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
B1 TV MPEG-4/HD 703
37 38 Rum

Trinitas TV MPEG-4/HD 709
55 56 Rum

В  05.09.2021 12630 H
2500 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  01.03.2021 12633 H
2500 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  16.02.2021 12636 H
2500 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  14.03.2023 12647 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
TV AS - * - * - TVR Cultural - Warner TV RomГўnia - Duck TV - Kiss TV Romania - Cinemax 2 Central Europe - AXN White - AMC Romania - AXN Black - Film CafГ© - HBO 2 Central Europe - National Geographic RomГўnia - Prima Sport 3 - Sport Extra - FilmBox Premium Romania - Magic TV - Cartoon Network Central & Eastern Europe - Aleph News -
    28-16   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  26.06.2020 12656 H
15155 3/4 Intact Production
      366-0   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Antena 1 MPEG-4 1
1120 1221 Rum
Antena Stars MPEG-4 2
2120 2221 Rom
Antena 3 MPEG-4 3
3120 3221 Rum
Happy Channel MPEG-4 4
4120 4221 Rom
Zu TV MPEG-4 5
5120 5221 Rum
Antena International MPEG-2 6
6120 6221 Rum
Antena 1 MPEG-4/HD 7
7120 7221 Rum
-R- Radio ZU 55
В  6223 Rum
-R- Romantic FM 56
В  3223 Rum
02.06.2022 12677 Рќ
9600 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
17.04.2022 12683 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  14.03.2023 12688 V
30000 7/8 Orange RomГўnia
Etno TV - Taraf TV - NaИ›ional 24 Plus - Bollywood TV Romania - U TV Romania - Pro Cinema - Pro Arena - CNN International Europe - Trinitas TV - TV5 Monde Europe - TVR 3 - Orange Sport 2 - Romania TV - Acasa Gold - MTV Romania - 1 Music Channel - HBO 3 Central Europe - HBO Romania -
    28-17   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Nasul TV MPEG-2 324
611 612 Rum
06.04.2022 12693 Рќ
9370 2/3 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
07.01.2022 12699 Рќ
9600 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
17.04.2022 12713 Рќ
6666 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
16.04.2022 12716 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  26.05.2021 12719 H
1580 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  26.05.2021 12721 V
1580 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
15.10.2023 12724 Рќ
6250 2/3 Demirören Media
      1337-6   Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
Kanal D Romania MPEG-4/HD 1
200 210 Rum

В  26.05.2021 12731 V
1580 5/6 feed Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
08.05.2022 12733 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
19.03.2022 12736 Рќ
7200 3/4 feed
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
20.11.2023 12739 Рќ
2455 3/4 Data
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  20.11.2023 12746 H
3809 Auto Data
Hellas-3 Europe-FSS 48-54 dBW
В  23.07.2023 18862 L
      Hellas-3 Ka
08.10.2022 19167 L
6630 3/4 Data
Hellas-3 Ka
HD Channels  → Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4  → 39.0° E

  Monday, 20 January 2025

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